10 September, 2011

Just Beecause…

Was taking a photo walk with a coworker and we decided to stop by a flowering bush in some sunlight, at which point I noticed some bees on the bush on the other side of the sidewalk. Inspired in part by my bee photos from last year (see Why I Do Photography), I decided to give it another go. I ended up with the shot above; not quite what I had in mind, but I think it came out reasonably well.


Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I love how the bee is all limned in light.

Doppler Photo said...

Yeah, this isn't my sort of traditional style, but it was still pretty neat, and the backlighting does make a pretty neat outline. I went out again and got one that's more akin to the how I typically shoot things, I'll probably put it up a little later this evening.

Thanks for the feedback :o)